Garda murder accused deemed unfit to appear in court for 9th time

Stephen Silver is charged with the murder of Det. Garda Colm Horkan in Castlerea in June

A 44-year-old man accused of murdering a detective garda is continuing to receive treatment at the Central Mental Hospital and is unable to attend court, a judge has been told.

Stephen Silver of Aughaward, Foxford, Co Mayo, who is charged with the murder of Det. Garda Colm Horkan in Castlerea on June 17th, was due to appear by video link before Harristown District Court in Roscommon on Friday morning.

The court was told that a letter had been received from Professor Damian Mohan, a consultant psychiatrist at the Central Mental Hospital, stating that the accused was unfit to appear.

It is the ninth time Mr Silver has deemed unfit to appear by video link at Harristown District Court, which is located beside Castlerea Prison.


Judge Deirdre Gearty said she had been informed that Mr Silver was unable to appear.

“There is a letter from Professor Mohan saying he is unable to attend court today, that there is ongoing treatment and assessment taking place,” she said.

Defence solicitor Ciaran Smyth of Gearoid Geraghty & Co. Solicitors said he had not received instructions from Mr Silver.

Judge Gearty said that in the circumstances she would remand Mr Silver in custody for a week to appear before Harristown District Court next Friday, October 23rd, by video link.

Sgt Mark Mahon said he wished to make the court aware that the DPP’s office is actively reviewing the file.

He told a previous sitting of the court that it was a substantial file.

Sgt Mahon said the investigation included over 350 house-to-house enquiries, in excess of 200 written statements, over 250 exhibits and the content of ten electronic devices, while gardaí also spoke to a person in Australia as part of their enquiries.